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A medical mobile app was developed by Careerbridge to conduct medical survey across the major towns and villages in Osun and Ondo State respectively. 4,215 registered and participated in the survey exercise. The data generated was reviewed and analyzed to determine the specific medical needs for the Outreach.
The medical outreach began August 26th and extended to September 4th. The opening section of the program was honored by dignitaries including community leaders, notable chiefs and the Monarch.
The program was led by the Country Project Director, Dr. Omotayo Oluwasegun Dada and assisted with State Project Coordinators Mr. Akinola Taiwo, Mr. Idowu Johnson and Mr. Ojajuni Dotun. Careerbridge invited eighty-five (85) notable medical experts, to participate in the outreach, this comprised of surgeons, physicians, medical consultants, ophthalmologists, dentists, obstetricians/gynecologists, nurse practitioners, pediatricians, pharmacists, anesthesiologists, optometrists, lab scientists, physiotherapists, health insurance team and nurses of various specializations and cadres, which include accident and emergency nurses, intensive care nurses and theatre nurses.
The outreach was divided into sections, which include Physiotherapy, Eyes Surgery, General Surgery, Optometrist, Dental, and Health Insurance Scheme. The general consultation team treated 5,400 patients in Osun and 3,350 in Ondo State. The Consulting Doctors worked in collaboration with the lab scientist. They treated insomnia, hypertension, diabetes, infectious diseases, arthritis, malaria, typhoid, vitamins deficiency, sight cases, cholera, peptic ulcers, indigestion and heart burn, diarrhea and other minor health concerns.
The General Surgeons focused on procedures, such as lumpectomy, keloids removal, hydrocelectomy, lipoma removal, cataracts, herniorrhaphy and orchiopexy. A total number of 215 successful surgeries were carried out. Patients were referred to Westley hospital and General hospital Ilesha for post ops care. The physiotherapist team treated 630 patients to help improve body movement and to reduce the risk of further problems arising in the future. Featured cases include dislocation, joint pains, arthritis, back pains, posture problem etc.
The Dentists were overwhelmed with lots of dental cases. They treated 220 patients. They removed decayed tooth, fill cavities, scaling and polishing and repair fractured teeth. The team further provided advice and instruction on dental care.
The Optometrist team carried out optical test and diagnoses. Featured cases include shortsightedness, farsightedness, glaucoma, cataract and infectious diseases. 490 patients went home with drugs and eyes drop for allergic conjunctivitis, itching, and swollen eyes lids and 1,082 benefited from the reading glasses.
The lives touched wouldn’t have been possible without our selfless medical team and partners who supported the program such as Alcon in Texas, Scan Lan Group of Companies, Texas, Advocate for World Health, Florida, Afya Foundation, Hands of Hope, Nampa, Partners for World Health, ME, Vosh South East and Catholic Medical Mission Board.
Finally, we return all the glory back to God, who has given us the inspiration, and strength to support the disadvantaged with our skills and resources. I will end this report with this quotation “Doing whatever it takes to honor your word, care for others, makes a difference through your work, and gives hope to the disadvantaged around you”. Please, kindly browse Careerbridge website www.careerbridgeafrica.org for more details about the outreach and the upcoming events.
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