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+1 267 467 0727
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+1 267 467 0727
Your tax-deductible donation helps us in fulfilling our mandates and we promise to use your donation wisely to implement our programs. Be part of this life impacting program – you will never regret your decision.
Every child deserves unconditional love and care regardless of their situations, especially the kids with no parental care. Careerbridge carries out an annual physical examination and assistance with drugs, clothing materials and food stuffs to the orphans at the rural communities in Africa. Our goal is to help these children to be healthy, comfortable and successful in life like every other children. Please, donate to help us fulfill this mandate.
Careerbridge medical outreaches have impacted thousands of disadvantaged citizens in the rural communities in Africa. This wouldn’t have been possible without the generous support from individuals and corporate organizations. Your kind donation will help us to increase our output, impacts and also to acquire necessities for our operations. We really count on you to support us.
Careerbridge’s needs moral and financial support to carry out annual free cataract surgeries for the diagnosed patients in Africa. Your kind donation to reach this goal will be greatly appreciated. Your donation will be channeled for surgical procedures, drugs, glasses and medical supplies.
Careerbridge runs a charity clinic for the disadvantaged to does not have money to go hospital. support the clinic and impact in some people’s life.
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