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Careerbridge Foundation is a 501(c) tax deductable charitable organization registered 2017 in Nigeria, and Pennsylvania, United States. The vision is led by Careerbridge CEO, Modupe Olowodahunsi, who has deep concerns about the lack of skills among youths, illiteracy, and poor healthcare delivery in Africa. Careerbridge’s program focus is to bring immediate results, hope, and high performance in a relatively short time.
Careerbridge is committed to reducing the mortality rate, alleviating poverty by educating and empowering the poor, as well as nurturing and promoting culture
Careerbridge initiative provides opportunities that foster HOPE and CHANGE for individuals with low socioeconomic status in the underdeveloped countries in Africa.
Program category: Rural health community outreach program. Numbers of beneficiaries: The Program benefited 1,700 underserved and uninsured citizens.
Purpose: The program target to reduce the mortality rate in the rural communities.
Country: Nigeria.
Presented cases: Numbers of treated cases include diabetes, high blood pressure, infectious diseases, wound care, arthritis, malaria, sore throat, fever, cholera, insomnia, and hernia.
Program category: Rural health community Outreach and health survey across 4 communities.
Numbers of beneficiaries: 3,700 participated in the survey and the community outreach.
Purpose: Target to improve the health of the lower citizens living with chronic diseases and as well to reduce the mortality rate in the rural settlement.
Country: Nigeria
Presented cases: our medical team treated cases like, malaria, respiratory and inflammation diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, joint pains, arthritis, stiff joint, and swelling, malaria, malnutrition, cholera, and wound care.
Surgical procedure: 70 people were screened and undergo surgeries such as cataract and hernia (inguinal, inguinoscrotal, umbilical and femoral in their order of frequency).
Orphanage care: We visited and donated clothing and food to an 50 orphans in Ikorodu, Lagos State.
Program category: medical outreach tour in collaboration with community-wide charities.
Numbers of beneficiaries: 5,400 underserved citizens including males and females were benefited.
Purpose: Target to reduce preventable death. To carry out surgical procedures affected by the disadvantaged and insured
Presented Cases: Treated cases include insomnia, hypertension, diabetes, infectious diseases, inflammation, arthritis, malaria, typhoid, vitamins deficiency, sight cases, cholera, peptic ulcers, indigestion and heart burn, knee, joint and body pain, diarrhea, meningitis and heart diseases etc.
Surgical Procedure: 150 surgical procedures were carried out including lumpectomy, keloids removal, hydrocelectomy, lipoma removal, cataracts, herniorrhaphy and orchiopexy
Optometrist Care: 1500 patient received free glasses.
Dental Care: 700 patients received dental care such as scaling, polishing, and surgery
Program: Skill acquisition Program for undergraduates
Numbers of beneficiaries: 40 undergraduates
Purpose: To reduce the high rate of joblessness and cyber crime among the youth.
Palliative Support: selected 700 families benefited from the palliative relief caused by the Covid 19 pandemic.
Country: Nigeria
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